Consequences on Health related Quality of Life for People with Anxiety Disorders by supplementing Massage Therapy on already in Existence introduced Psychotherapy


  • MMag. Dr. Gregor Studlar BA
  • Thomas Vlasak, PhD



In what way can consequences on health related quality of life and clinical anxiety on behalf of the especially vulnerable population group of people with anxiety and panic disorders be measured, by supplementing massage therapy on already in existence introduced psychotherapy with behavior therapy approach. Patients from the psychotherapeutic surgery with the categorial diagnose of panic disorder (n=64), are the base of the study. The test persons did via standardized paper-pencil psychological test procedures (BAI and WHOQOL-BREF), on two test moments (pre-post-test) their statistical tests. Moreover the test persons have been splitted into control- and experimentgroup. Inferential and correlation statistical datas could be examined and in the space of the study documented. So have been demonstrated that within all scales of the psychological test procedures the experimental group – massage and psychotherapy – could transform significantly. The shifts have also been higher than in the control group. At that the higher interdependence on the very vulnerable population group of the people with anxiety disorders and their body-mind-interaction within this study, could be demonstrated and shows the importance for our health care system.


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