Donald Duck as "Hero of the Dike"

A Disney comic, its literary source and its reception in US science and Dutch popular culture


  • Bernd Rieken Sigmund-Freud-Privatuniversität Wien, Fakultät für Psychotherapiewissenschaft



The 1964 comic strip "Hero of the Dike" by Carl Barks is based on the "Hero of Haarlem", a short internal story in the children's book "Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates" by the US author Mary Mapes Dodges (1830-1905). The story is about a boy who saves the country from a flood disaster by sticking his finger in the leaking dike. Although the story was completely unknown in the Netherlands, it became part of Dutch folklore after the Second World War due to tourism from the USA.

The literary meaning of Carl Barks' comic strip is discussed in connection with the critical reception of the finger-in-the-dike motif by US scholars. This makes it possible to reflect on the predominantly unconscious intentions behind the construction of the story as a Dutch cultural asset and, in connection with Barks' sceptical conception of man, to explore the question of what the comic might have to do with climate change. In the process, differences between the European and the US-American history of mentality will also become clear.

Author Biography

Bernd Rieken, Sigmund-Freud-Privatuniversität Wien, Fakultät für Psychotherapiewissenschaft

Leiter des Doktoratsstudiums der Psychotherapiewissenschaft und des Fachspezifikums Individualpsychologie an der Sigmund-Freud-Privatuniversität Wien, Privatdozent für Europäische Ethnologie an der Universität Wien, freiberuflicher Psychotherapeut und Lehranalytiker in Baden bei Wien.


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