On the importance of understanding and controlling publishing bias in clinical psychology and research: A PRISMA Systematic Review

A PRISMA systematic review


  • Julia Pritz-Mirtakis SFU




Several reviews conclude that psychological treatments generally have significant positive effects on outcome variables. However, some studies show methodological limitations, suggestive of a strong publication bias in the field. Publication bias in clinical trials appears to have a direct impact on health care provision when only significant results, that may cause false impressions about a treatment’s effectiveness, are published. So, the goal of this review is to answer specific clinical questions about the influence of publishing bias in psychology, which also includes the importance of finding a way to understand and control them Therefore, this systematic review aims to identify relevant studies to address specific clinical questions about the influence of publishing bias, and followed the preferred items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA) checklist 2009. In fact, the influence of such bias through abstracts is so evident that researchers have put forward a variety of strategies in order to elucidate, monitor or rectify recurring issues. The results of the present review are indicative of publication bias and the need for a common management strategy endorsed by the scientific community. Finally, implications and benefits for research and clinical practice are discussed, and recommendations for further research are made.


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