Meeting a Traditional Healer in Malawi


  • Christine Korischek Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität Wien
  • Moya Aliya Malamusi



The present article gives an ethnographic account of a healing practice in southern Malawi as observed by the research group of SFU students in July 2013. The paper is a product of an experimental writing process. Besides describing the healing practice of Dorothy Anderson, mechanisms of the psychology of culture contact are made transparent in the individual narrations of the participants and are discussed in the conclusion.

Author Biographies

Christine Korischek, Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität Wien

Christine Korischek is a research member at the Institute for transcultural and historical research in Psychotherapy at SFU.

Moya Aliya Malamusi

Mag. Dr. Moya A. Malamusi has undertaken numerous field researches in which he has collected data on music, oral literature and healing practices in different African communities. In his research center in Chileka, Malawi, he has a collection of traditional musical instruments. Dr. Malamusi is a research member at the Institute for transcultural and historical research in Psychotherapy at SFU and was the head of the research excursion of SFU students in July 2013.


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