The basics of psychodrama theater


  • Maria Theresia Schönherr



Healing play, nurtured and cherished by many of Moreno's contemporaries and beyond by many psychodramatists, continues to bear fruits of efficacy. Psychodrama as a therapeutic method is developing, social, political and peacemaking approaches are exploring the world of interpersonal play. A distinctive feature in this field is the life art of psychodrama theater, both as a methodological approach and as a format. Here, the goal is to bring a new understanding to interpersonal play. In doing so, the frame story of art, culture and society can prepare the ground. At the same time, the narrative distance enables a closeness that paves the way for catharsis of consciousness.

In the psychodrama theater field, the participants are confronted with desires and feelings that control and expand the possible and the factual in everyday life, with the goal of giving interpersonal action more meeting space and deepening the experience characters, play knowledge.



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