Physicality and Mentalizing in Psychotherapeutic Work with Complexly Traumatized People


  • Maria Teresa Diez Grieser



The following article describes corporeality as the basis for successful mentalizing in psychotherapeutic work with traumatized people. A careful inclusion of the patients' bodily expressive behavior and inter-corporeal phenomena makes it possible to better comprehend enigmatic states and bizarre behaviors of traumatized people and to develop appropriate interactions. The embodied mentalizing of the psychotherapist and the shared mentalizing of the patient's bodily experience facilitate relationship building and the fostering of trust in the here and now of the psychotherapeutic situation. Against this background, the mentalizing ability of the affected persons, which is not sufficiently developed and/or blocked due to traumatic experiences, can be fostered. Based on this, narratives can finally be developed that enable transformation processes. The psychodynamic-mentalization-oriented trauma therapy presented here focuses on building and maintaining a safe relationship to enable mentalizing. Case vignettes illustrate the interaction process and the approach, taking into account the bodily perspective.

Author Biography

Maria Teresa Diez Grieser

Maria Teresa Diez Grieser Psychologin und Psychoanalytische Psychotherapeutin EFPP, Supervisorin, Dozentin an verschiedenen Fachhochschulen und Universitäten und am Psychoanalytischen Seminar Zürich. Nach verschiedenen Anstellungen in Institutionen als Psychotherapeutin und Forscherin arbeitet sie als niedergelassene Psychotherapeutin in eigener Praxis und als Leitende Psychologin des Forschungsbereiches in den Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrischen Diensten St. Gallen. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte sind Entwicklungspsychologie, Psychotraumatologie und Mentalisieren.


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