
Through the lens of action-possibility-expanding psychotherapy science


  • Paolo Raile ARGE TripleCareInContact GmbHVerein Psychosocialis



Eco-trauma refers to reactions on an individual as well as collective level to extreme stimuli that cannot be fully processed, but rather denied, repressed or dissociated. These stimuli do not necessarily have to be the direct experience of a traumatizing event such as a natural disaster, but can also be mediated, for example, through social media and other mass media. Two case studies of Eco-Trauma show the treatment possibilities of Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy according to Luise Reddemann and Analytic Individual Psychology according to Gisela Eife.

Author Biography

Paolo Raile, ARGE TripleCareInContact GmbHVerein Psychosocialis

studierte Psychotherapiewissenschaft an der Sigmund-Freud-Privatuniversität Wien (SFU), Soziale Arbeit an der Donau Universität Krems und Europäische Ethnologie an der Univer-sität Wien. Er ist Autor wissenschaftlicher Texte, Psychotherapeut, Sozialarbeiter, Lebens- und Sozialberater sowie Gründer und Leiter zweier psychosozialer Organisationen in Wien.


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