Psychotherapy in the Age of Digitalization and Corona

Study results on the potential of E-Psychotherapy in Austria – quantitative analysis


  • Alfred Uhl
  • Hannah Poltrum
  • Martin Poltrum



Due to the CoViD-19 pandemic, Austrian psychotherapists for the first time were entitled to practice psychotherapy via telephone or video telephony (e-psychotherapy) since mid-March 2020. A survey involving 717 Austrian psychotherapists was carried out to determine the experiences made with this new treatment modality and the psychotherapists’ attitude towards e-psychotherapeutic treatments prior and after the change. In the quantitative part of the study presented here, the following details are illustrated and discussed: Design of the study, structure of the sample, detailed presentation of the psychotherapists' attitudes towards e-psychotherapy before and since the CoViD crisis, detailed presentation of the attitudes towards e-psychotherapy as a billable service with health insurance companies, socio-demographic data on the participants, devices and programs used, aspects of group therapy and presentation of the questionnaire. For the qualitative part of the study consult the first article in this issue of the SFU Research Bulletin (02/2020).


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2020-12-23 — Updated on 2020-12-28



